District of Offenbach
Rolling hills, floodplains teeming with wildlife, scenic riversides and much more!
More than 355,000 people from some 180 countries are at home in the 13 cities and communities of the District of Offenbach, which presents itself like one big conurbation in the heart of Mother Nature. Almost half of the area is made up of forests and meadows. The nevertheless economically vibrant district is characterised by great diversity and harbours many discoveries and experiences. The district offers many options for outdoor relaxation, a peaceful country lifestyle with a historical timber-frame backdrop, plenty of cultural and sporting activities as well as a wealth of recreational opportunities close to the metropolis of Frankfurt. Everyday life pulsates to the beat of business. Where living and working are so close together, life is good.
Highlights in the district of Offenbach
What makes a visit of the District of Offenbach so special?
Plenty! Let's start with the following highlights!
The colourful character of the 13 municipalities of the District of Offenbach offers a great deal of variety, being shaped even further by its pluralistic society. Narrow cobblestone lanes pave the way between historical timber-frame houses and red sandstone walls, while during a walk in the woods there's every chance of a pack of deer crossing your path. Elsewhere, the glass facades of the modern high-rises inhabited by high-tech companies reflect the sunlight in industrial estates. It is these contrasts that make the District of Offenbach so extraordinary.
From A to Z or, more precisely, from the Apple Wine Route to the Zeppelin Museum, there is much to explore. The journey of discovery between tradition and modernity is varied and harbours many surprising moments and experiences.
Discovering the district of Offenbach ... anew!
The District of Offenbach with its 13 towns and municipalities has something to offer every taste and every pocketbook. The colourful palette of attractions ranges from A for Apple Wine Route and E for Einhard Basilica to Z for Zeppelin Museum. If you are looking for a bit of peace and quiet or rest and relaxation, there are many excellent opportunities for walks or cycling tours along the River Main. If, on the other hand, you would like to learn more about the history of former times, we recommend a visit of one or more of the district's many historical old towns, such as the one in beautiful Seligenstadt.