Kaiser Friedrich Therme (Irish-Roman Bath)
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Those seeking rest and relaxation will find the highest level of bathing luxury at the Kaiser-Friedrich Therme in the heart of the city. In homage to the Roman sweat baths, on whose foundations it is built, the spa is decorated in style of a classical thermal bath, complete with pillared spaces and intricate, sophisticated ornamentation.
The Kaiser-Friedrich Therme offers an atmosphere which revives the bathing luxury of the Wilhelminian age while at the same time meeting today´s requirements and the needs of modern guests. Even the ancient Romans in the first century AD appreciated the bath, situated in the thermal springs of the local Mattiaci, as beneficial and healthy. Nowadays while bathing, taking a sauna and resting, people find release from pains caused by physical conditions such as gout and rheumatism, sedation and relaxation from stress they have at work and in their daily life, relief from mood swings and at the same time a bathing experience whose quality meets the highest standards. Services provided at the Kaiser-Friedrich Therme also include a rasul steam bath in oriental style, a sand bath, various types of massages, cosmetic treatments as well as different soft-pack applications. The guests can perspire at the Tepidium, the Sudatorium, like the ancient Romans, or at the russian steam bath. Besides this, guests will find a stone steam bath and, of course, a classic finnish sauna as well. In addition to the Lavacrum a cold-water dipping bath, the historical cold-water swimming pool and a tropical ice rain shower provide ways to cool down. A fresh-air room, relaxation areas, a relaxation room with changing coloured lights and the Quellen Bar ensure well-being and regeneration in this high-class facility. Body, mind and soul find respite in the process of healing and renewal.  Â
Langgasse 38-40
65183 Wiesbaden