Regional Specialities
The delicious regional specialities available throughout FrankfurtRhineMain are just waiting to be discovered. Even if you have already acquainted yourself with some of our unique culinary delights, there are so many more traditional dishes and modern interpretations or old classics yet to be sampled. Our local, regional and international restaurateurs are looking forward to spoiling you ... and your palate.
Apple Wine
Apple wine has been Frankfurt's beverage of choice for more than 250 years. More than that, it is known as an absolute "cult beverage throughout the rest of FrankfurtRhineMain as well. It is typically enjoyed at the region's rustic apple wine pubs, being drunk from a glass featuring a diamond-shaped pattern and known locally as the "Gerippte", and poured from the so-called "Bembel", a grey earthenware jug with a blue design. This blue-grey jug doubles as the unmistakable symbol of the region's famous apple wine culture.
Enjoying apple wine in Old Sachsenhausen. ©#visitrheinmain, David Vasicek

Green Sauce
Green Sauce, a typical Frankfurt speciality
This delicious cold sauce is traditionally served with potatoes and hard-boiled eggs. The Hessian delicacy is however more and more being enjoyed with meat, primarily schnitzel and "Tafelspitz", boiled fillet of beef.
Frankfurt Green Sauce, served with potatoes and hard-boiled eggs. ©#visitfrankfurt, Holger Ullmann
The District of Groß-Gerau is a fantastic place to feast and celebrate. Whether it's the local wine festivals in Groß-Gerau and Rüsselsheim, the Fishermen's Festival in Gernsheim (held on the first weekend in August), the Wine Press Festival at the Guntershausen Estate (third weekend in September), the Farmers' Market (Thanksgiving Sunday) or the Altrhein Festival in Ginsheim (early summer), the choices are seemingly endless. Yet another of the highlights of the annual events programme is the "Gerau Asparagus Festival", which traditionally kicks off in April with the Asparagus Gala.
The Asparagus Gala in the District of Groß-Gerau ©#visitrheinmain
Wine-growing looks back on centuries of history and tradition in the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region. The Rheingau and Rüdesheim regions in particular are known far and wine for their fine wines. People come here from all over the world to taste the delicious Riesling at one of the many wine taverns to be found throughout FrankfurtRhineMain.
Benedictine nuns enjoy Riesling as much as anyone. ©#visitrheinmain
Rural Experiences in the Wetterau
Seasonal delicacies are freshly prepared in the kitchens of the Wetterau all thoughout the year. Come and enjoy some of the regional delicacies on offer, whether they're traditional dishes or modern ones. Grown in the fertile soils of the Wetterau and refined with creative cooking approaches, these delicacies are sure to please your palate.
Wetterau - Florstadt - Hotel-Castle Ysenburg © #visitrheinmain, David Vasicek